Chilean Icons & Awards Ceremony

Chilean Icons & Awards Ceremony is a Premium activity that seeks to convene the largest distributors and importers from all over China and provide them with the experience of learning about our icon wines, to improve the perception of high quality.

It also seeks to build business relationships and generate opportunities for the participating wineries in the long term.

The Chilean wine industry has been characterized by the great work of our winemakers and production teams over the years. This will be an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your work in front of large buyers in China. Small wineries that have high-end wines will be encouraged to participate and enrich the event.

We hope to generate a significant effect in the trade with a positive image of the diversity, richness, innovation, sustainability and the great quality of our wine. The event will have multiple activities and will be led by 2 renowned experts. The main idea is to award trade, media, channels and influencers in the sector to promote best practices and reward relevant actors that support the development of Chilean wines. The prizes will be:

  • Best promotion (on trade / off trade) measured by sales volume growth and other criteria related to distribution, merchandising and product mix.
  • Importers that develop premium wines, through an increase in the average price, mix of products and growth in value.
  • Best e-commerce by sales level and presence in Chile.

Additionally, we will hold a masterclass on iconic wines and a walk around tasting where each winery will have the opportunity to show its premium wine portfolio.

It will be amplified in RRSS, with KOL and reports that will help highlight the event through digital channels, including investment in content.


Responsible consumption

Become a responsible
wine consumer

We could go on for hours about wine, and its benefits are many. Among them, moderate wine consumption reduces the risk of mortality from heart disease by half, improves blood flow and enhances the flavours of food. In addition, wine is social, allowing for different delicious libations in the company of friends. But wine is not without its pitfalls, as the saying goes, there can be too much of a good thing.


Drinking alcohol, even in small quantities, alters cognitive abilities, decreases our attentiveness and leads to slower response times. It is worth noting that alcohol consumption is the leading cause of traffic accidents.

Being a responsible consumer is everyone’s business

You can be a part of the solution, keeping the above in mind to not let wine become a negative experience.