CFDF 2024

CFDF comenzó en 1955 y es una de las exposiciones profesionales a gran escala más antiguas de China. En la actualidad, la superficie de exposición de cada Feria de Alimentación y Bebidas de China supera los 100.000 metros cuadrados. Hay unos 3000 expositores y 150000 compradores profesionales. Es una exposición con una larga historia, una gran escala y una influencia de gran alcance en la industria alimentaria y vinícola de China.


Responsible consumption

Become a responsible
wine consumer

We could go on for hours about wine, and its benefits are many. Among them, moderate wine consumption reduces the risk of mortality from heart disease by half, improves blood flow and enhances the flavours of food. In addition, wine is social, allowing for different delicious libations in the company of friends. But wine is not without its pitfalls, as the saying goes, there can be too much of a good thing.


Drinking alcohol, even in small quantities, alters cognitive abilities, decreases our attentiveness and leads to slower response times. It is worth noting that alcohol consumption is the leading cause of traffic accidents.

Being a responsible consumer is everyone’s business

You can be a part of the solution, keeping the above in mind to not let wine become a negative experience.