Grand Tasting de Vino Chileno en Toronto

Es el evento insigne del calendario comercial que tiene como objetivo principal, crear una conexión con los comercios de Ontario, así cómo actualizar a las partes interesadas locales sobre los desarrollos, nuevas cosechas, innovaciones y sostenibilidad en Chile. El Grand Tasting busca llegar a dos segmentos objetivos: el Trade especializado (Sommeliers, Gerentes de tiendas del […]

WoC Premier Tasting

Premier Tasting is a flagship event in the Canadian business calendar whose primary objective is to create a connection with the Ontario business as well as to update local stakeholders on developments, innovations and sustainability in Chile, seeking to generate representation sales/listings and will include a Grand Master Class with the main wine personalities, and […]

Wines of Chile Training Experience

Wines of Chile Training Experience, consists of formal classes, which with an educational objective, train people who sell Chilean wine, building familiarity and enthusiasm for them. The sessions will begin in late 2023, which is expected to precede major Wines of Chile thematic releases and major VINTAGES de Chile releases.